Applications > Glass Balustrades
Tough Glass process a large range of glass products suited for glass balustrades. Being a local glass processor, our ability to custom make glass to size provides benefits when aesthetics and quick lead times are a factor. Customers of Tough Glass can obtain toughened glass certificates guaranteeing glass has been processed in accordance with Australian Standards.
Whether you are based in the hills, near the ocean or in the city and want to maximise your views, glass balustrades will do this for you. Frameless glass balustrades will take you to the next level providing seamless edges by removing the need for bulky frames or handrail.
Glass Selections:
- Toughened Glass:
- Toughened Clear Glass
- Toughened Ultra Clear Glass
- Toughened Grey Glass
- Toughened Obscure Privacy Glass
- Toughened Digital Printed Glass
- Custom Laminated Glass:
- ToughView™ – toughened laminated glass
What do I need to consider with a completely frameless glass balustrade? If you are selecting a fully frameless glass balustrade you need to consider the importance of glass selection. ToughView™, if broken, has a structural laminate combined in its build-up to hold the panel intact. This provides increased strength and safety when compared to toughened glass without the laminate. ToughView™ custom laminated glass may be required as a minimum in frameless balustrade applications. In most cases an engineering certificate would need to be obtained prior to glass order confirming the make-up and thickness.
How do I go about installation? Tough Glass are specialists in processing and supply of glass products and do not install finished products. We do have an extensive range of installers qualified to undertake on-site measurement and installation we can happily recommend. Contact us.
Can you make custom panels to suit my staircase? Being a local glass processor, and specialists in glass processing we can custom make panels in a large range of shapes and sizes. Provided we receive all necessary information and sizes we can process almost any custom panel. If the shape is overly complex, sometimes we will recommend an MDF template be made up in one piece and delivered to our factory. Templates will guarantee a precise match.
Fully Frameless Balustrades – No Handrail
- By combining 2 x pieces of toughened glass and bonding them together with an SGP structural interlayer, ToughView™ is the ultimate glass selection when opting for a frameless balustrade without handrail. If broken, the SGP structural interlayer keeps the glass panel intact providing a safe protective barrier. The inclusion of a structural interlayer provides additional safety and strength for frameless balustrades.
Frameless Balustrades – with Handrail
- Toughened glass is a Grade A safety glass. If broken, toughened glass will shatter into small particles opposed to large, sharp shards like that of annealed glass. Toughened glass is up to five times stronger than annealed glass.
Partially Framed & Fully Framed Balustrades
- Depending on your finished suite and application, your fully framed or partially framed balustrade could consist of either laminated glass or toughened glass. Both forms of glass are Grade A safety glass.
Regardless of the balustrade application you select it is best practice to consult with a qualified glazier who can provide advice on selection and installation of glass and glazing whilst ensuring regulations are met and safety is not compromised.
- Frameless balustrade using toughened glass
- Fully frameless balustrade using SGP structural interlayer ToughView
- Balcony balustrade glass using toughened glass